
City Commission Says Yes To Land Bank
By: Mike Stiles - Tuesday, November 14, 2023

St. Joseph County Housing Coordinator Clayton Lyczynski shared with the Sturgis City Commission (photo courtesy of Mike Stiles/Swick Broadcasting)

(STURGIS) – The Sturgis City Commission is in support of a St. Joseph County Land Bank.

During their November 8 meeting, the Commission was presented with the proposal of creating a land bank. Sturgis City Manager Andrew Kuk (cook) explains what a land bank is and what they can do. ...... {LISTEN}.

The idea of creating a land bank was talked about earlier this year by the St. Joseph County Commission, but they decided at that time to not move forward. Now the County is looking at it once again.

City Commissioner Rick Bir asked if there had to be a certain number of governmental entities sign up for the land bank to function. St. Joseph County Housing Coordinator Clayton Lyczynski was at the meeting and offered this response to Bir’s question. ...... {LISTEN}.

The Commission unanimously approved a resolution in support of a land bank. Both Kuk and Lyczynski said they would keep the Commissioners updated on what the County Commission is doing regarding the matter.


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