White Pigeon Township Library Getting Different Vehicle
By: Mike Stiles -
Saturday, April 6, 2024
(photos courtesy of White Pigeon Township Library)
(WHITE PIGEON TOWNSHIP) – The White Pigeon Township Library is still raising money to get a bookmobile.
Library Director Perri Saunders says they will be getting a different vehicle than what they originally planned on. ...... {LISTEN}.
Library Assistant Director Lisa Hofmeister explains why the change in vehicles was made. ...... {LISTEN}.
So far the Library has collected almost $125,000 towards the vehicles.
The bookmobile would allow the White Pigeon Township Library to reach out to their community members, specifically those who may not be able to visit the Library.
Saunders say if anyone is interested in giving to the project, they can contact the Library by calling 269-483-7409. There are many levels of giving to the bookmobile project so everyone can contribute.
The Library is holding a fundraising event Saturday, An Afternoon With Kennedy’s Kitchen, who will be performing traditional Irish music. A $10 suggested donation is asked by those who will be attending. The performance will be from 2 to 3:30 PM.
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