Dennis Allen Responds To Concerns Over Conflict Of Interest
By: Mike Stiles -
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
(left to right) St. Joseph County Commissioners Terry Conklin and Dennis Allen (photos courtesy of Mike Stiles/Swick Broadcasting)
(CENTREVILLE) – The matter of removing Dennis Allen as Chairman of the St. Joseph County Law Enforcement Committee was brought up Tuesday.
During the St. Joseph County Commission’s Executive Committee meeting, Commissioner Terry Conklin brought up for discussion the matter of professional conduct for the Commission along with conflict of interest.
Conklin says for him it comes down to something simple. ...... {LISTEN}.
At the end of the April 16 County Commission meeting, Commissioner Rusty Baker made a motion to have Allen removed as the Chairman of the Law Enforcement Committee. Baker said that if someone is running for Sheriff, they should not be on that committee.
The Commission approved Baker’s motion 4-3.
Allen is one of five candidates that is running for Sheriff in the upcoming August Primary Election.
Allen commented, saying he felt blindsided by the motion on April 16, and that there had not been any previous discussion about the possible issue of him serving on the Law Enforcement Committee. He says he hasn’t done anything to warrant his removal. ...... {LISTEN}.
Allen did ask why it took 14 months for the Commission to bring up a motion to remove him from the Law Enforcement Committee.
No discussion was given by the Commission to approve a new Chairman for the Law Enforcement Committee.
County Administrator Teresa Cupp did say she would research conflict of interest language to bring back to the Commission for future discussion.
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