Sturgis Schools Has New Cell Phone Policy For 2024-2025
By: Mike Stiles -
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Sturgis Superintendent Dr. Art Ebert (file photo courtesy of Mike Stiles/Swick Broadcasting)
(STURGIS) – Starting with the 2024-2025 school year, Sturgis Public Schools will have a new policy on cell phones.
Sturgis Superintendent Dr. Art Ebert says the new policy is pretty straightforward. ...... {LISTEN}.
Ebert says this is being done to help students stay focused in class. ...... {LISTEN}.
Ebert says he has been overwhelmed by the number of messages and e-mails he has received from the community about how this is the right thing to do and they support him and Sturgis Public Schools for taking this step.
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