Study Finds Glen Oaks Boosts Local Economy, Improves Lives
By: Mike Stiles -
Tuesday, July 9, 2024
(photo courtesy of Glen Oaks Community College)
(CENTREVILLE) – A recent study shows that Glen Oaks Community College not only contributes to the lives of their students, but also to the local economy.
The comprehensive study, which was conducted for fiscal year 2021-2022, leveraged data from Glen Oak’s academic and financial reports along with employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and U.S. Census Bureau. It demonstrates how Glen Oaks enriches their service area, including parts of St. Joseph, Branch and Cass Counties.
In terms of economic impact, the study shows that Glen Oaks contributed $39.9 million to the local economy, supporting 66 jobs and equating to 1.6% of the total Gross Regional Product of the service area. The College’s operations, including a payroll of $8.6 million and additional spending on goods and services, injected $9.6 million into the local economy.
Investment in infrastructure and student spending added nearly $1 million to the regional economy. Former Glen Oaks students, now integrated into the
local workforce, added $29.2 million in income.
The investment returns analysis shows that for every dollar a student spends on education at Glen Oaks, they are expected to earn $6.30 in increased earnings, or an annual rate of 20.8%. For the taxpayers with $11.2 million in funding provided to Glen Oaks, they are set to see a return of $14 million in tax revenue and public sector savings.
Former President Dr. David Devier says Glen Oaks continues to be a vital economic engine and transformative presence in the lives of their students and the community.
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