Sturgis Holds Memorial Day Ceremony
By: Mike Stiles -
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
(left) Sturgis Mayor Frank Perez and (right) James Searing speak to the audience at the Sturgis Memorial Day Ceremony (photos courtesy of Mike Stiles/Swick Broadcasting)
(STURGIS) – Despite the weather, a good group of citizens attended the Sturgis Memorial Day Ceremony at Oaklawn Park.
Sturgis Mayor Frank Perez offered a Welcome Address to the public, saying Memorial Day is not just a holiday. ...... {LISTEN}.
This year’s main speaker was James Searing, who reached the rank of Captain in the U.S. Marines. He served from 1966 to 1974, and shared about a friend he made during basic training and how they kept in touch with each other after being sent to Vietnam. ...... {LISTEN}.
The audience also heard musical selections from the Sturgis High School Marching Band, and saw a wreath laying ceremony by area Boys and Girls Scouts. The Memorial Day event was put on by the Sturgis VFW Post 1355.
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